Ilmari Krohn founded the Finnish Musicological Society in 1911. To commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Finnish music scholarship, a celebration symposium will be held in Helsinki in March 2011. The event will be jointly organized by the Finnish Musicological Society, Finnish Ethnomusicological Society and University of Helsinki, Sibelius-Academy, and Finnish Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research.

Symposium topics include:

• National history in music scholarship

• Ethnomusicological Identities and Applications

• Musical Signification

• Music, industry and audiovisual media

• Performance research

• Psychology of music

These topics, which reflect the dominant part of the Finnish music scholarship, reveal the diversity, idiosyncrasy, interdisciplinarity and international nature of the field in Finland. The topic areas will be featured by means of dedicated thematic sessions, keynote speakers and panel discussions.

Submissions are invited for spoken papers. 300-word abstract submission should be sent to conference secretary Eija Honkanen. The deadline for abstracts is 31st of November, 2010. Submissions will be evaluated by celebration committee and section organizers. Notification of acceptance will be made by December 20th.

More information: conference secretary Eija Honkanen, eija.a.honkanen(et)