Call for Papers: Musiikki 4/2023 (December): the Baltic Countries and the Baltic Sea Region – music, musicians, music culture phenomena, networks and social structures

During recent decades, areas in the European North-East have experienced similar discussions, developments and challenges in music research. Critical debates on modern nationalisms and nation-building, so-called ”new” musicologies, as well as historically marginalised actors and networks have taken place in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, and elsewhere – despite regional differences in language, history, and culture. Especially in the 1990’s and 2000’s, seminars and conferences have created links between scholarly traditions across the Baltic Sea and brought together musicologists of various areas of expertise. The musical pasts and presents of the Baltic Countries, however, are not often in focus among music researchers in Finland, which this special issue of the peer-reviewed journal Musiikki, for its part, seeks to remedy. What do we share in terms of musicology, society, and history – and what could we learn from one another’s scholarly traditions? Especially considering Russia’s attack war on Ukraine and the current geopolitical situation, we consider creating lasting bonds among music researchers over the Gulf of Finland all the more important and topical.

We welcome articles of max. 60 000 characters (in Finnish, Swedish and English) for peer review. The topics might relate to any musical genre(s), and they can focus on regional, national, or cross-cultural perspectives regarding the Baltic Countries and the Baltic Sea region in general eg:

* composers and compositions

* networks, paragons, role models and cross-cultural influences

* performers, careers, concert programs

* domestic and international reception of music and musicians

* music traditions and grass-root movements

* marginalised linguistic and cultural communities

* sociological structures

* music policies and the impact of political guidance or pressure in the music culture

The short proposals/abstracts should be submitted by June 30, 2023 by e-mail to editors-in-chief of this special issue: PhD Nuppu Koivisto-Kaasik ( and PhD, associate professor Tuire Ranta-Meyer ( Dead line for article submission at the publication channel, the journal management and publishing service provided by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, is  September 15, 2023. Musiikki is an open access journal and classified at second-best level 2 (1 = basic; 2 = leading; 3 = top, other identified publication channels which have not received level 1 rating are marked with 0) in the national Publication Forum.

Further details, author guidelines and submission preparation checklist are available at Please contact the editors-in-chief for more information, if necessary.