Call for Papers: Scandinavian Chamber Music (Musiikki 3/2024)

The peer-reviewed quarterly Musiikki has been published regularly since 1971 by the Finnish Musicological Society. It is an open access journal and classified at second-best level 2 (= leading publication in the field) in the national Publication Forum in Finland.

Musiikki is publishing a special issue of Scandinavian Chamber Music in September 2024 and welcomes research articles for peer-review, conference and festival reports, reviews, book or recording reviews or interviews (in Finnish, Swedish and English). The topics might relate broadly to any aspects of chamber music genre, composers and their chamber music oeuvre, critics, performances, festivals and reception of chamber music in regard to the Nordic Countries, their music culture, and mutual networks, eg:

* composers and compositions

* networks, paragons, and transnational influences

* performers, careers, concert programs

* domestic and international reception of chamber music, performances and ensembles

* concert traditions, chamber music festivals and Nordic Music Days

* higher education and master classes of chamber music

The special issue is supported by the Niilo Helander Foundation and shall be published both in print and online.

The short proposals/abstracts (approx. 200-300 words) should be submitted by March 15, 2024 by e-mail to editors-in-chief of this special issue: professor Timo Virtanen, professor Markus Mantere, DMus Sakari Ylivuori and/or  associate professor Tuire Ranta-Meyer (see the contact information below).

Dead line for article submission at the publication channel or by e-mail is  May 31, 2024. Further details, author guidelines and submission preparation checklist are available at Please don´t hesitate to contact the editors-in-chief for more information:  

Markus Mantere (

Tuire Ranta-Meyer (

Timo Virtanen (

Sakari Ylivuori (

Ensimmäiset tahdit säveltäjä Erkki Melartinin kvartetosta kahdelle trumpetille, käyrätorvelle ja pasuunalle op. 153